3 Fruits to Boost Health and Sex Life | Natural Testosterone Booster Libido Booster Sex Booster


3 Fruits to Boost Health and Sex Life

Natural Testosterone Booster Libido Booster Sex Booster

    These are three fruits which can boost your health and sex life. These are Pomegranate (Anar), Pear (Nashpati) and Kiwi (Kiwifruit).

 1. Pomegranate (Anar)

Pomegranate is known as super-food. Pomegranate and its juice is the key to increase testosterone, sex derive, and mood in both sexes i.e. male and female. Pomegranate contains antioxidants and improve blood circulation. Pomegranate juice increases about 24% extra testosterone hormone and improve mood in both sexes i.e. men and women.

 2. Pear (Nashpati)

Pear are also good to boost health and sex derive. It contains high level of folic acid, vitamin B6 and potassium. Pear boost women’s libido and men’s testosterone hormone.

 3. Kiwi (Kiwifruit)

Kiwi fruit is great source of vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, fiber, vitamin E, potassium, folate and manganese. Kiwi fruit contains phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals which boost or promote your health and sex life.

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3 Fruits to Boost Health and Sex Life | Natural Testosterone Booster Libido Booster Sex Booster

These are three healthiest foods or fruits which can boost your health and sex life, means act as health booster, natural testosterone booster, sex booster, labido booster, food for sexual health, or foods that increase sexual desire, increase female libido. These are Pomegranate (Anar), Pear (Nashpati) and Kiwi (Kiwifruit). 

Overall we can say that, these three fruits Pomegranate, Pear and Kiwi fruit. And juice of these fruits act as sex booster means promote sex life, Health booster means promote healthy life.

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World Heritage – Ajanta Ellora Caves

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World Heritage Sites

The Ajanta and Ellora Caves

Ajanta and Ellora caves not only in India but also famous in all over world. The Ajanta Caves is a protected monument in the take care of the Archaeological Survey of India. Ajanta Caves have been a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site since 1983. Ajanta caves is world famous tourist place, so thousands of tourist come here to unfold the mystery and beauty of Ajanta-Ellora caves. These caves are found in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra state of Bharat (also known as Hindustan & India). 
To reach this site you may choose flight from Mumbai which take about 1 hour to reach here or you may travel here by bus or Railway. When you come to visit ajanta-ellora caves don’t forget to see Mughal king Aurangzeb’s fort and Baba Shah Mujjafar Dargah, as these are also world famous. In Aurangabad you may also see Bibi Ka Makbara, which is generally compared to Tajmahal Agra. Ajanta Caves and Ellora Caves are not only heritage of India but also the heritage of World.
Caves of Ajanta
Ajanta Caves
     Ellora caves are famous for the temples of Bodh, Hindu and Jain religion. Ellora caves are not open on Tuesday. Ellora caves have 12 Bodh caves, which are built in 7th and 8th century. Ellora caves have 17 Hindu caves, which are built in 6th and 9th century. Ellora caves have 5 Jain caves, which are built in 9th century. In Ellora 16th number caves is very famous, as it have huge statue of lord Shiva built by cutting of single rock, It is world’s biggest statue made by cutting of single rock; It is known that to make this statue 150 years’ time period and 7000 workers indulge in this work day and night continuously.
In Ellora-Caves in cave number 32, Statue of Mahavir Swami is also very famous. 3D paintings and sculpture of Ellora caves pillar are also very attractive.

30 Rock cut caves of ajanta - world famous tourist place
Ajanta Caves are situated at about 100KM distance from Ellora caves. Ajanta caves not open on Monday. These caves are famous for paintings and sculpture. Temples of Ajanta-caves are made by cutting of rocks in half-moon shape. Statues of Ajanta-caves are decorated with ornaments and colorful paintings. Tourist can see here 30 rock cut caves at Ajanta, which have been excavated in a panoramic horseshoe shaped valley of Waghora river. These all rock cut caves are built from 1st to 5th century. These caves belongs to two different phases of Buddism- The earlier phase known as Hinayana Phase starts from second century BC to first century AD, and Later phase known as Mahayana Phase starts from fifth century AD to sixth century AD.

     Some of the magnificent paintings of Ajanta caves for which these caves are famous all over the world are seen in cave number 1,2,9,10,16, and cave number 17.They depict episodes from the life of Lord Buddha and scenes from the tales of Jataka. Cave No. 26 depict Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana means Buddha’s release from cycle of rebirth. Ajanta caves have stunning paintings all around except floor, means where you see wall, ceiling, pillar, tomb, door all around you find attractive paintings which let you stay there for long time. To see videos of Ajanta and Ellora visit us at Youtube - "Ajanta Ellora Caves" and to see Ajanta caves photos visit our facebook album -"Ajanta Caves"
SandhuTechBlog brings Some of the Ajanta Caves videos with the help of technology for you below- 

These caves of Ajanta and Ellora are world famous and included in UNESCO World Heritage list, so thousands of tourist come here every single day……
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