10 Strategies to Make Viral YouTube Video

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Top 10 Strategies to Make Viral YouTube Video

1. Shareability
2. Conversation
3. Interactivity
4. Consistency
5. Targeting
6. Sustainability
7. Discoverability
8. Accessibility
9. Collaboration
10. Inspiration
To earn money from YouTube make channel that look like brand. Start uploading videos on your channel with keep in mind about your niche or idea. Make series of videos about your niche or idea as single viral video may hit big at a time but for long time success keep uploading series of videos about your niche or video main idea.

10 strategies to make viral videos of your YouTube channel viral are described below-

1. Shareability

Share your video yourself and make your viewers to share your video and you may ask your friends too to share your video. People share videos which are fresh, new, awesome and with outstanding ideas. Make videos which are simple easy to understand and share.

2. Conversation

Speak directly to your audience. Respond to their comments or queries, answer their questions related to your video which you want to make viral. YouTube is a social network where people share videos and talk in comments or like share subscribe. Conversations make strong bonds between you and your fans on YouTube Channel.

3. Interactivity

This is all about to include your fans. You achieve interactivity by putting questions and also by featuring videos of your audience. Ask ideas from your fan for your next video. And make videos on that if it relate to your niche. If someone give your idea then mention special thanks to him by featuring his/her name in your video.

4. Consistency

Make videos consistently and recursively so your channel is always full of new outstanding videos. Publish videos in rhythm means like TV Shows publish video on every fix day. For example publish video on every Monday. Use consistent awtar, logo, taglines, features, faces, startups, endings all should be consistent. Your voice or hero’s should be consistent as people become fan of them not of channel or web page.
5. Targeting
Target a special group of audience. Always try to target certain groups or community of peoples which are passionate about your niche or idea. You may target people at channel level, your niche series level or individual video level.

6. Sustainability

Choose idea or niche on which you can sustain for long time with full of energy and positivity. As sustainability increase yours channel subscribers. Means choose niche or idea on which you make video even after 10 years.

7. Discoverability

Your videos should be have high discoverability so it can appear in searches and related videos. Make videos on highly searching topics, means include top searching keywords in your video title and description so it appear in searches and in related videos. Related videos are appear at right hand side on YouTube and at the last of video. Now question is what people searches on YouTube? People searches about trending topics and about evergreen topics on YouTube. On YouTube search tab type single letter or word it shows most searching topics. Optimize your videos means include effective title, description and keyword about your video that you want to make viral video.

8. Accessibility

Make videos which are appreciated by new viewers as series videos or episode videos are may not be viewed by new viewers before. Means if you publish 10 episodes and it’s your 11 episode then if a person which is new to your channel not seen your previous 10 viral episode videos, but he/she should appreciate this video. As new viewers may come from social media news feeds searches related videos etc. Make each new video simple easy and fully understandable to new viewer.

9. Collaboration

Collaboration is outstanding way to go viral bringing flood of new views lots of subscriptions likes and shares. To make it simple just take an example if a Channel A is run by Adam and Channel B is run by Stefani, they collaborate means Adam and Stefani come together in a video to bring their fans collaboratively. Meet YouTubers related to your niche and collaborate with them to publish video. Collaborate with YouTubers which are publishing video related to your idea or niche.

10. Inspiration

Always make video channel on idea or niche which you really like. Means your hobby, favorite tv shows favorite blogs sport cooking etc. Idea which always inspire you to do something new and make you happy in doing that. Make video what you love and what you love to talk about. Your idea should come from your genuine interest.
Follow all these 10 Strategies to make your outstanding awesome viral videos channel.
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Top 10 Strategies to Make Viral Video

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