How To Earn Money From Twitter
Follow below given steps to start earning money from great micro blogging website
want to make friendship with you and follow you and your posts, twits.
2. Wait until you have 500 friends in your follow list. Their are many software online like
2. Wait until you have 500 friends in your follow list. Their are many software online like
auto email generator which generate email addresses online and then collect these
addresses and send them friend request with the help of Twitter add friend settings.
overall you have to increase your followers any how.
3. When you have more than 500 friends or followers - which you achieve in about
3. When you have more than 500 friends or followers - which you achieve in about
three days with good content. then create a Twitter Page or account like
@sandhujitendra on selected or interesting topic or related to your hobby like cricket,
gardening, yoga, beauty tips, etc. and update your page daily to engage people in your
page and they visit daily.
4. After creating twitter page or account share this page or account on many platforms
4. After creating twitter page or account share this page or account on many platforms
like blog , your profile, friends twitter timeline, google plus, facebook, youtube etc to
get more followers to your page.
5. When you get about 500 followers on your Twitter page or account then create
5. When you get about 500 followers on your Twitter page or account then create
account on any affiliated website which give you product to shell or promote online and
you get your commission as you are an agent. There are many websites which give
affiliation facility like ebay, clickbank, amazon, etc.
6.Then read these websites affiliation or agent guide carefully and start posting their
6.Then read these websites affiliation or agent guide carefully and start posting their
product on your twitter page in between interesting posts or comments. when people
start believe in your page they start purchasing your recommended products so make
good choice products to make good branding and believing page. and you start earning
in dollars from your Twitter Page or account. like and share this post if this post help
you in earning money, to help other to earn money from internet Twitter.
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